Hamish Moffatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Mon, Jan 05, 1998 at 08:59:50AM +0800, Lindsay Allen wrote:

> > The kernel-source-2.0.32 deb has a 130K diff file against the standard
> > source.  Just where do these patches come from and why are they necessary? 
> > 
> > Is the fact that I _have_ to have 2.0.32 source or headers going to stop
> > me from going to 2.0.33?

> I don't know why all those patches are already applied. I have stopped
> using the kernel-source packages because they can't be patched
> up to the next kernel version easily (because of the already applied
> patches). You should be able to install kernel-headers to satisfy it
> and then dump the standard Linux source tree in for building kernels.

Does anyone know why there is a dependency on kernel-headers?  I was
under the impression that glibc didn't use the kernel headers.


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