❦  9 août 2015 16:28 +0200, Daniel Pocock <dan...@pocock.pro> :

> b) it needs to be tweaked in more than one place (e.g. xrdb + Iceweasel
> + other places)

Yes, that's unfortunate. If GTK people could explain Iceweasel and
Chromium people how they should handle it, it would lessen the amount of
manual configuration needed. Using only XSETTINGS (or XSETTINGS + xrdb)
would unify the configuration and allow automatic change when switching
From one DPI settings to another.

I don't know the Iceweasel case, but for Chromium, it seems they are
pretty clueless and just add more hacks until people stop complaining.

> d) there is some concern that not all displays report DPI accurately and
> so it wasn't considered safe to trust the value from the display and so
> people started using the hard-coded values in GNOME at some point in the
> past - is that still a valid argument today though?

The hard coding is done in X at 96 dpi and it is still true today. If you
change DPI settings in X (with -dpi), you can check that the display
dimensions is adjusted appropriately, making your change useless. XRANDR
reports the appropriate values and applications wishing to use it should
use that instead.


As you said, Nvidia is special here.

> Does anybody feel strongly enough that manual DPI configuration
> shouldn't be necessary any more, just as it is no longer necessary to
> manually create X ModeLines for most monitors?  Would this be a
> worthwhile goal for stretch?

While it is possible to derive the true DPI setting from the resolution
and the dimension, I don't think that's what users would be
expecting. On a laptop, you'll want smaller fonts than on a desktop
because the screen is usually nearer from your eyes.

For example, on my laptop, the screen is 310mm x 174mm for 2560 x
1440. Strictly speaking, DPI is 210. However, I am setting it to 144
because at 210, everything is far too big.

On my desktop station, I am using 23" monitors (510mm x 290mm). It's 96
DPI and it is just fine.

What could be a goal is to only have one universal setting. This setting
could be Xft.dpi since most applications work just fine with
that. However, this hijacks the original purpose of this setting, but I
think most people would like to have a bigger interface if they need
bigger fonts.
Habit is habit, and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed
down-stairs a step at a time.
                -- Mark Twain, "Pudd'nhead Wilson's Calendar

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