Adam Borowski writes ("Re: trying to use wireless not from gnome... what's the 
> But it's not without problems.  The one Britton met is that NM's interface
> is closely married to Gnome.  Yes, you can use nm-cli but it's nowhere near
> pretty, so on a laptop or a phone you want a GUI.  Wicd's GUI works, NM's
> does not (at least currently or without extra messing).

I'm using network-manager with something that would be xfce if I ran
more of xfce, but is probably best described as a pre-desktop setup.
My window manager is vtwm.  The nm-applet sits happily in trayer, and
everything functions pretty much as I expect.

I'm happy with it.  (Although I did find a bug in the WPA2 enterprise
passphrase management which I mean to report at some point...)

Although, I am running systemd-logind and cgmanager because lightdm
gave them to me, so maybe that's why n-m works for me.  I haven't
found that systemd-logind and cgmanager cause any trouble so I haven't
bothered to avoid them.  (I'm running sysvinit.)

> The second is, NM interferes with any complex setup.  In newer versions, you
> can now semi-reliable tell it to stay away from your interfaces, but then,
> if you disable it on all interfaces, why do you even have it installed?

I have found that n-m is happy to leave alone my own VPN and my own
pppd 3G setup (which I run sometimes in parallel with wifi).  I had to
deinstall modemmanager because it interfered with the modem, even if
I had 3G support turned off in the nm-applet menu.[1]

> But, how is mentioning an alternative and/or recommending to try one FUD?

On the other hand, I am very happy that wicd exists.  If
network-manager annoyed me somehow I'm sure I would try wicd.


[1] #683839 is tangentially related, but not really relevant, since if
modemmanager had a whitelist rather than a blacklist, it would still
have tried to fiddle with my modem.  It appears that #683839 is being
fixed upstream and hopefully stretch has these changes...

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