Hello, on a home folder that has travelled with me over the years,
~/.icedove is linked to ~/.thunderbird or vice versa (machine is at home
right now, and I can't check).  Please make sure that any migration
script is non-destructive with such a setup, as I don't think that it is
uncommon at all!



On 02/15/2017 06:35 PM, Christoph Goehre wrote:
> Hi Debian Developers and followers,
> Thunderbird is back in Debian! We also renamed other related packages to
> use official names, e.g. iceowl-extension -> lightning.
> For now, we need testers to catch existing issues and things we haven't seen
> until now.
> What happens the first time you start Thunderbird?
> With the change to the official Mozilla branding the users profile(s) will 
> also
> be changing from '$HOME/.icedove' to '$HOME/.thunderbird' so we need to 
> migrate
> the profile folder. This is done by /usr/bin/thunderbird, a wrapper script,
> which does the following things during initial startup:
> * Copy the contents of the old profile folder into the new folder 
> ~/.icedove_moved_by_thunderbird_starter
> * Fixup Icedove related entries to Thunderbird in 
> ~/.thunderbird/$PROFILE/mimeTypes.rdf
> * Fixup Icedove related entries to Thunderbird in ~/.config/mimeapps.list
> * The postinst/postrm scripts will move existing configuration files from 
> /etc/icedove/pref to /etc/thunderbird/pref.
> What needs to be tested?
> * Are the mime type associations still correct?
> * Is the migration working in various Desktop Environments?
> * Did we miss some files that need to be handled?
> What should I prepare for testing?
> Please keep a backup of your old ~/.icedove folder! Also please backup
> the file ~/.config/mimeapps.list (if your DE is using this) before
> installing the thunderbird packages. You'll find additional notes in
> '/usr/share/doc/thunderbird/README.Debian'.
> If you find some issue, please open a bug report. Patches of course are
> welcome!
> We like to say thanks to all people that are involved and helped to do the
> migration!
> Cheers,
> Carsten, Guido and Christoph

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