On 04/17/2018 09:21 AM, Jeremy Bicha wrote:
"It is my understanding that is a RC bug for package to recommend a
library that has been removed from Testing because recommended
packages won't be auto-removed on upgrade."

Neither will Suggested: packages, by the way, depending on APT::AutoRemove::SuggestsImportant (which defaults to true), at least according to [1]. At least in Aptitude; not sure about other frontends. So that doesn't seem like a reason for RC-ness.

Main is supposed to be self-contained, though; so if a package barely works or loses most of its functionality without non-main software, that'd seem RC. If it's just one feature, though, not sure it really is — though maybe it should be a Suggests and not a Recommends.

[1] https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/aptitude/ch02s05s05.en.html|

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