
On Sun, 7 Jul 2019 19:18:17 +0200, Christian Kastner <c...@debian.org>
>one of the cron maintainers here, and also the cronie maintainer.

thanks for the swift answer.

>> What is the issue that keeps cronie out of unstable? If it just a matter
>> of personpower, or are there technical reasons? If it's just a matter of
>> personpower, I'd like to help.
>It's mainly been personpower; however, that is improving. Any additional
>help is welcome, of course.
>cronie was uploaded to experimental ages ago, but it's been rotting
>there ever since.
>My goal for it was to patch is so that it is as compatible with our
>vixie cron (which has quite a few extensions!), to make a transition
>from cron to cronie as the main cron daemon as painless as possible.

It is good to know where things are going. Would you mind if I created
a wiki page with this road map laid out about where Debian's cron
world is going? That would, though, only make sense if you could find
the time to cross-read it and add omissions and point out factual

>Over the past couple of years, I've spent a considerable amount of
>effort in converting the format to source format 3.0 (quilt), but I
>never quite finished and got distracted with other stuff. Nevertheless,
>I completed this conversion in February. I'll push it over the next few
>days (I was just waiting for buster to be released before doing anything


It is good to know that there is considerable work going on, most of
it being on the source code level, which is unfortunately something I
cannot be helpful because I'm not a sufficiently good C programmer. I
was not even aware that vixie cron and cronie share a common code base
that makes such a migration feasible.

>My current plan it to move from vixie cron 3.0pl1-134 directly to a
>(patched) cronie as soon as possible, so that the default daemon can be
>switched to cronie in time the next release.

Great! That is good to know. Are you using a mailing list for this
effort that I can subscribe to and see where I can be helpful? Or is
this mainly a one-man show anyway?

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