On Tue, 16 Jul 2019 20:55:41 +0200, Christian Kastner <c...@debian.org>
>On 09.07.19 09:32, Marc Haber wrote:
>> It is good to know where things are going. Would you mind if I created
>> a wiki page with this road map laid out about where Debian's cron
>> world is going?
>Not at all, on the contrary -- thanks for the offer!

Done. https://wiki.debian.org/cron

>> It is good to know that there is considerable work going on, most of
>> it being on the source code level, which is unfortunately something I
>> cannot be helpful because I'm not a sufficiently good C programmer. I
>> was not even aware that vixie cron and cronie share a common code base
>> that makes such a migration feasible.
>There's a lot of non-C stuff that needs to be done, too, in case you're
>interested in that?

I have also created a Wiki page in the cron salsa project outlining
what needs to be done. https://salsa.debian.org/debian/cron/wikis/home

Would it be possible that you push your changes to cron and cronie to
branches on salsa or fork the projects so that your work becomes

>For example, I'm almost certain by now that the system crontab file and
>dirs (/etc/crontab, /etc/cron.*) need to be moved out into a separate
>config package so that alternative cron implementations can use them.
>Currently, each implementation ships its own crontabs, and switching
>between them (eg: switching from cron to bcron) is a pain.

I think it would probably be good to do that inside the cron source
package first to get the package dependencies sorted out. What should
the crontab's package be named? Should the crontab(1) binary also move
(I don't think so, cronie will most probably have its own
implementation)? Should the crontab package eventually move to its own
crontab source package or should it move to cronie (my least favorite
variant being to keep it with vixie cron)?

>I'll set one up for cronie and then report back to this list.

It's also in the TODO list ;-)

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Marc Haber         |   " Questions are the         | Mailadresse im Header
Mannheim, Germany  |     Beginning of Wisdom "     | 
Nordisch by Nature | Lt. Worf, TNG "Rightful Heir" | Fon: *49 621 72739834

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