On 11/11/19 1:02 AM, Theodore Y. Ts'o wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 10, 2019 at 11:20:45PM +0100, Thomas Goirand wrote:
>> Please, *never* do that. It's generally a very bad idea to write
>> anything to debian/gbp.conf. It's as if you were adding your text editor
>> preferences in the package. Instead, please prefer writing in ~/.gbp.conf.
> I keep most of my git-buildpackage settings which are specific to my
> developer environment in ~/.gbp.conf.  However, there are some gbp
> settings which are specific to the repository set up, and those I
> think, IMHO, *are* appropriate for debian/gbp.conf.  For example:
> pristine-tar = True
> upstream-tag='v%(version)s'
> debian-branch=debian/master

The first 2, yes. The last one, it's my opinion that it's useless, and
that you only need it because "ignore-branch = True" isn't the default
in git-buildpackage. It's ok as long as you always keep the same
packagig branch, but if, like in my team, we need a new branch name
every 6 months, and for 400+ repositories, then keeping the branch name
declared in debian/gbp.conf becomes super annoying (as it forces one to
change the "debian-branch" each time).


Thomas Goirand (zigo)

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