Am 09.07.2021 um 13:01 schrieb Timo Röhling:
* Michael Biebl <> [2021-07-09 12:29]:
That tightly versioned dependency doesn't help unfortunately. There is still a time window between the new libsystemd-shared and the new systemd being unpacked.
There's also a time window between files in /usr/bin and files in
/usr/lib being replaced.

If you reboot your system with an unfinished/interrupted upgrade,
you cannot assume a consistent or bootable state. Packaging all
stuff in the same package *may* reduce the above time window
somewhat, but it will not eliminate the underlying problem, so it is
a non-solution.

There may be other reasons to object Helmut's proposal, but this is
not it.

I don't agree.
The time window between dpkg unpacking a single package and ending up in a inconsistent state is neglibible to apt updating multiple packages during a dist-upgrade.

Let me be blunt here: I'm not willing to compromise on robustness here.

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