On 10/20/21 7:50 PM, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> Thomas Goirand dijo [Wed, Oct 20, 2021 at 09:11:13AM +0200]:
>>> You can upload it to experimental
>> That's obviously what I'm doing. But when there's 2 releases during the
>> freeze, it means one of them will never reach Unstable.
> Right, which makes perfect sense.
> The group of people interested in having always the latest OpenStack
> will be able to install from your packages in experimental.

Mostly, OpenStack is consumed using the unofficial backports we provide
through osbpo.debian.net, which contains backports from Jessie to
Bullseye, for 14 OpenStack releases so far. I'd love to make it an
official Debian channel on debian.org, through the official Debian
backports repositories if only I could have 4 or 5 repos per Debian
release. I had hope in 2014 when Ganneff described his vision of
Bikesheds, but it's not happening, unfortunately.

Consuming OpenStack from Experimental, while probably doable, looks like
not an easy thing to do at least.

> I guess
> very few will, but if it's needed, it's available -- and the work for
> you when the freeze is done is much smaller (just re-target changelog,
> re-build, re-upload).
> What do you lose by those uploads not reaching unstable?

Very simple: an upgrade path. In most OpenStack projects, you cannot
skip an OpenStack release, at least because of the db schema upgrades.


Thomas Goirand (zigo)

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