On 2021-10-20 22:51:59 +0200 (+0200), Thomas Goirand wrote:
> In most OpenStack projects, you cannot skip an OpenStack release,
> at least because of the db schema upgrades.

Upstream, I want to keep pushing on what we referred to as
"skip-level upgrades" which would be something akin to embedding
just the routines needed to upgrade data structures for earlier
versions into each later version. The "fast-forward upgrades" we
worked out (where you at least don't need to start any services on
the intermediate versions) is certainly an improvement, but not a
desirable end state in my opinion.

Granted, from a Debian perspective, this would be akin to upgrading
from buster to bookworm without installing bullseye's packages along
the way. Not as vast a collection of software albeit, but still
hundreds of projects which need upgrading and need to be able to
"skip" between arbitrary numbers of intermediate releases, so not
trivial either.
Jeremy Stanley

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