On Thu, 2021-12-02 at 23:36 +0100, Stephan Lachnit wrote:

> If I understand correctly, release-monitoring already offers such a
> mapping [1].

It seems like the Ayanita distro mapping needs to be done manually once
per package, while using the Repology data would automatically get us
the mapping for each existing package and all future packages.

> Hm, I can't really think of an example where such a thing couldn't
> also be implemented in release-monitoring.org.

None of the three use-cases I listed can be done by it AFAICT.

It can't check things that it doesn't have a check for, while 
individual package maintainers in various distros will update their
packages and Repology will notice the new versions.

It presumably doesn't look at the versions for all distros, so it can't
do the cross-distro VCS snapshot choice check, while individual package
maintainers in various distros know their packages well and might
upgrade to a VCS snapshot in their distro, which Repology notices.

It also isn't going to check locations it doesn't check yet, while
individual package maintainers in other distros might do that after
noticing their package hasn't been updated recently and then going
searching for a new upstream and updating, which Repology notices.

> Just one quick idea I had: what about a "fake" uscan backend? I.e.
> something like `Version: release-monitoring.org` in d/watch. In that
> case uscan will launch an external program that fetches the data from
> there and gives it back to uscan, so that other tools stay unaffected
> until a full transition is done.

Excellent idea, that would be great to have.

The one issue I can think of with using release-monitoring.org is that
Debian becomes more reliant on an external service, while currently we
are completely independent of other distros for version checking. 

Converting the release-monitoring.org check to a watch file might be an
alternative to using it directly that maintains our independence.



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