]] Bill Allombert 

> The rationale is that the only info really leaked is the package name,
> so it only make sense to hide a package if every system that have it
> installed are also hiding it, so it is better to make it a property
> of the package than of the system.

I think it'd make more sense for this to be an opt-in property of the
source of the package, that is, based on which archive it's coming

(Strawmen: Put a field in Release saying «please send in popcon
reports», have popcon enumerate the configured apt sources and check
that the version number of installed packages match what exist in those
sources, or have a passlist in the «receive report» stage on the server
that looks at which distribution is being reported for and validate that
those packages (and possibly versions) exist or have existed in the

Tollef Fog Heen
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are

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