On Sun, May 29, 2022 at 05:33:21PM -0400, Bobby wrote:
> There are definitely people who use forks because it's easier to
> install non-free firmware. What's the problem with that? Let them use
> forks. A distro can't be all things to all people. 
This would mean almost officially dropping support for user computers and,
as I've heard, many of the servers. It's certainly possible but I'm afraid
this will lead to even fewer new contributors to Debian.

> Debian is unique in this area, and it would be a shame to sacrifice that
> and make it just like all the rest. And it's unclear what benefit there
> is to attracting a larger and larger userbase as a bottom-line. It is
> not a commercial project, so they will not be paying customers. The
> best-case scenario is that people are attracted to making contributions
> or becoming more interested in free software, which I thought was the
> main goal. So if that isn't prioritized, what's the point?
I'm afraid that not providing hardware support is not the same as
prioritizing free software, or even free hardware. 


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