Hi David,

Debian has a group of people working on bazel packaging.
And bazel itself has been a years-long pain for tensorflow packaging.

I'm not following the updates for bazel packaging, but you
may browse the packaging work of the corresponding team
to see whether there is anything you are interested in:

On Wed, 2022-06-08 at 17:18 +0200, David Given wrote:
> I'm looking into converting some of my upstream packages to use Google's 
> bazel build system, because it makes life
> much easier as a developer.
> Unfortunately, with my other hat on, it makes life much harder as a package 
> maintainer: bazel is very keen on
> downloading source packages and then building them locally, resulting in a 
> mostly-statically-linked executable.
> protobuf is the most obvious culprit here, because if you do anything with 
> Google's ecosystem you inevitably end up
> using protobufs, and as soon as you refer to a cc_proto_library rule in bazel 
> you get a statically linked libprotobuf.
> Are there any known best practices yet in Debian on how to persuade bazel not 
> to do this, and to use the system one
> instead?

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