On 22.06.23 16:03, Marco d'Itri wrote:
On Jun 22, Martin-Éric Racine <martin-eric.rac...@iki.fi> wrote:
The point has always been to ship some ifupdown-supported DHCP client
by default. This can be done either by keeping the default client's
priority to important or by making ifupdown Depends on one.  I prefer
the later.
It would be totally unacceptable to make ifupdown Depend on a DHCP
client, because this would bloat most server installations.
But I would be happy with a Recommends. It's not like the people whose
server needs a DHCP client do not know that they need to install one.

TBH time is too short to manually provision IP addresses on servers.

Kind regards
Philipp Kern

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