On Jul 04, "Trent W. Buck" <trentb...@gmail.com> wrote:

>   * If it runs its own process manager (e.g. postfix's "master"),
>     don't bother trying to harden it.
I disagree. It may not be possible to use NoNewPrivileges, but at least 
file system hardening is usually trivial to enable for most daemons.

>   * If it sends mail via /usr/sbin/sendmail,
>     don't bother trying to harden it.
See above.

>     If it sends mail via smtp://localhost, that's MUCH easier.
>     Start encouraging upstreams to do that instead?
Do you know an appropriate C library that could be used?
Speaking proper SMTP is a bit harder than rfc821 | sendmail, so let's 
try to not overshoot...

>     Moving pidfiles from /run/%p.pid to /run/%p/%p.pid and
>     letting systemd do the User=%p can help quite a bit.
In general, all services should be STRONGLY encouraged to use 
RuntimeDirectory, StateDirectory, etc...
Also because this makes possible implementing the "file system factory 
reset" patterns.


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