On Thu, Apr 23, 1998 at 05:04:19PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> Rev> It does that, but sometimes that is not always a good thing.
> Rev> Take for example the libreadline library.  It is GPL, not LGPL.
> Rev> In order to link this library which is somewhat standard (IMO at
> Rev> least) your software must be GPL.  An example of this is ncftp
> Rev> which was using it--that's a nono, even though it is a simple
> Rev> shared library.  In this instance, the GPL actually hurt ncftp.
>       On the contrary. This is an excellent point you  made. ncftp
>  is now under GPL!! Yay! libreadline not being under LGPL worked!
>  Hurrah! 

Um, 2.x is GPL.  3.x is not, afaik.

>       So, it is indeed a good thing. Maybe more software would
>  become DFSG free if we were a little more pushy about it, like RMS
>  has been being.
>       I think it is about time we hardened our stance in favour of
>  the GPL. 

Manoj, you're crazy, you realize that?  <sigh>  I happened to like 3
better than 2 personally.  <shrug>  Ah well, one of my favorite programs
is now free for the modding---someone wanna do slang version now?  =>

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