On Sat, May 02, 1998 at 07:33:03PM -0400, Raul Miller wrote:
> > one word:  fetchmail.
> fetchmail doesn't do local mail delivery, but relies on an smtp server.
> ssmtp is not an smtp server.

one more word:  procmail

[from man page]
       -m, --mDa
              (Keyword:  mda)  You can force mail to be passed to
              an MDA directly (rather than forwarded to port  25)
              with  the  -mda or -m option.  If fetchmail is run­
              ning as root, it sets its userid  to  that  of  the
              target  user  while delivering mail through an MDA.
              Some possible MDAs are  "/usr/sbin/sendmail  -oem",
              "/usr/lib/sendmail  -oem",  "/usr/bin/formail", and

There's also a fetchmailrc keyword for this.  I suggest procmail over
deliver because for one procmail is in the simplest setup identical to
deliver and it can use MH and Maildir folders (that is, whenever the next
procmail gets uploaded with the Maildir patches) and it can also do spam
filtering if you write a .rc's for it.

Procmail does not require a .procmailrc unless you wanna do something fancy
with it.

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