On Thu 08 Oct 1998, Kai Henningsen wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Justin Maurer)  wrote on 04.10.98 in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > On a related note, do we want to continue using names from pixar movies
> > > now that Bruce is gone?
> >
> > i see no reason not to. they are nice names, the only problem is that we
> > may be running out of good ones (i admit, rc was a stretch)
> Nice? Hmmm ... just about nobody seems to recognize them, so I hardly  
> think they are particularly nice. More like "silly and annoying".

I remember when I got my first debian cdrom (1.3.1); looking in the
directory gave amongst other "bo" and "boot".  My first impression was
that someone had screwed up when creating the "boot" directory" the
first time. It took a _long_ time for me to realize that "bo" was in
fact the code name for the distribution (around the time I was in the
process of becoming a developer, in fact; when I was just a user I never
really understood what this "bo" was doing on my cd.

Using something that is more clearly a codename (like Red Hat's
"Hurricane", for example) would be an advantage there.

Paul Slootman
http://www.wurtel.demon.nl | Murphy Software,   Enschede,   the Netherlands

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