John Lapeyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> However, at least part of their rationale for the new scheme is to
> allow multiple versions of perl, a feature that debian is not
> interested in.

Threaded perl and non-threaded perl are binary-incompatible at the
extension level, meaning most compiled extensions must be

Furthermore, there was a lot of concern that most perl-only extensions
are not yet thread-safe.

Therefore, I believe, the decision was made to have all extensions,
etc, reside in a "arch-directory" that would distinguish between
thread and non-thread.

So, yes, I think Debian does have to honor this, and to make our perl
gratuitously different (which is to say, having it look in
/usr/lib/perl5) would be inviting calamity some time down the road.

I say this in full knowledge that I'm going to have to recompile a
heap of perl modules next week.  And I'm glad Darren didn't make a
thrperl yet, so we don't have to deal with that issue immediately.


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