Has it been verified that lyx can't be linked against fltk?  

On 10-Oct-98 Craig Sanders wrote:
> On Fri, 9 Oct 1998, John Lapeyre wrote:
>>      Lyx is currently in contrib.
>>      Lyx is licensed under the GPL (version 2) .  It is dynamically
>> linked against a non-free library (libforms) .
>>      According to the GPL and our interpretation of it in the KDE
>> statement, this means we should not be distributing (binaries at least) of
>> Lyx. For instance, these binaries use .h files from libforms.
>>      Unlike KDE, it may be all original code, so that a single change
>> of license from the developers will do.
>>      Am I missing something ?
> nope. sounds right to me (but i haven't looked at the licenses
> concerned, just going from memory of libxforms being no-source and
> non-free).
> imo, we should grant Lyx the same courtesy we did KDE.  send them a
> request to change their license, and give them some time (say a few weeks
> rather than the months that KDE got) to change.  if they ignore the
> request or choose not to change their license then we have to yank the
> software.
> craig
> --
> craig sanders
> --  
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