On Tue, Oct 13, 1998 at 12:07:29AM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>       Actually, since yo have done it, you have way more experience
>  with the process than I (I just do the make-kpkg end). Could you
>  please document what you did? I shall chime in and add what make-kpkg
>  provides, and what targets it calls. 

That would be great, because I'm trying to do it for yam (a driver
for a packet modem).

>       Why do you get the kernel version from files? make-kpkg
>  provides the kernel version in the environment var KVERS, as well as
>  the location of the kernel source, and the maintainers name and email
>  address.

What if someone switches in to /usr/src/modules/blah and runs
"debian/rules binary" by hand?

>         @echo Modules not configured, so not making modules_image
> else
>         -for module in $(MODULE_LOC)/* ; do \
>             (cd $$module; \
>               ./debian/rules KVERS="$(version)" KSRC="$(SRCTOP)" \
>                              KMAINT="$(pgp)" KEMAIL="<$email>" \
>                              kdist_image; ); \

Does this call the "kdist_image" target? Never heard of it?

Hamish Moffatt VK3TYD              [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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