On Wed 14 Oct 1998, Martin Schulze wrote:
> Thomas Lakofski wrote:
> > 
> > Seems that the latest sysklogd package breaks sendmail's (and cron's, just
> > checked) logging to syslog -- it works for a few minutes, and then no more
> > logs.  I don't know if this is universal (only checked 2 daemons), but it
> > looks like it.
> What do you mean by "break"?  If you restart syslogd you have to restart
> some other programs as well (squid, teergrube, inn, named come to my
> mind.)

Can you explain this?  This doesn't sound very "normal" to me.

> Unix is user friendly ...  It's just picky about it's friends.

To be picky....  "it's" should be "its" :-)  Otherwise it says
"about it is friends" ("it's" is short for "it is").
Besides that I agree.

Paul Slootman
http://www.wurtel.demon.nl | Murphy Software,   Enschede,   the Netherlands

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