On Fri, Oct 16, 1998 at 12:12:52AM +0200, Martin Schulze wrote:

> > > What do you mean by "break"?  If you restart syslogd you have to
> > > restart some other programs as well (squid, teergrube, inn, named come
> > > to my mind.)
> > 
> > Can you explain this?  This doesn't sound very "normal" to me.
> Sure.  Many programs open the socket to syslogd and never re-open
> it.  Thus whenever you restart the syslogd (contrary to SIGHUP' it).
> These files will log into nowhereland, i.e. the console.

This sounds like a fixable libc bug.  For the Unix domain socket, it should
easily be able to notice when send() fails -- and it should re-open the log
socket in that case.  I don't think any programs bypass libc to do their
syslog calls...

You should submit a bug against libc6, I think...

Have fun,


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