On Fri, Jan 22, 1999 at 03:22:58PM +0000, M.C. Vernon wrote:
> > > As well, my roommate and I were going to also make a character sheet
> > > program (hence the reason for making the rolldice stuff a library), so we
> > > could just enter the data, and either save it to a file or go ahead and
> > > print it out...  my roommate has been working on GTK+ for the occasion <g>
> > 
> > Why do I get the idea I should bring up once again my hope to gather a
> > sizable group of people to build a game system which is released under
> > free license and available to anyone with a web browser and the like?  =>
> IMHO a RMSS character auto-gen would be a Good Thing(TM). It's a pain in
> the **** to do by hand (usually with lots of math errors), and there are
> plenty of 'doze things around. I'll do the maths if someone will do the UI
> (and docs :) )....

You want a system that takes for-freakin'-ever to roll a character, try
Champions.  3 hours or so just to have the char dies in 15 minutes!  Oh
the pain.  =>

The goal of this system was to define the characters generic enough that
you could reasonably build a campaign in any setting really, but not take
forever to roll up by hand.  I've got some ideas for that, but they're
best described in terms of other games really.  The big problem with the
traditional D&D/AD&D attributes is that while they account well for basic
agility needed in traditional middle ages hack and slash combat, they
don't even consider more advanced forms of combat.  Even arrow combat in
AD&D seems to have been an afterthought.

I have ideas to deal with that problem, but only ideas so far.  Of course
the real issue is getting the system different enough from other systems
that nobody sues us for it.  =>  TSR would have and I bet WotC would too. 
These companies are in it for the money, they don't care about the
gamers.  If they cared about the gamers they would start selling their
books wirebound (a common request) because wirebound books last longer
under gaming use...

"I'm working in the dark here."  "Yeah well rumor has it you do your best
work in the dark."
                               -- Earth: Final Conflict

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