On Fri, Jan 22, 1999 at 03:24:28PM +0000, M.C. Vernon wrote:
> > > Why do I get the idea I should bring up once again my hope to gather a
> > > sizable group of people to build a game system which is released under
> > > free license and available to anyone with a web browser and the like?  =>
> > 
> > I'm all for it!  How about it, anyone else interested? :)
> <aol>Me too</aol> We could call it gnuice :-)

I would have to bop you then...  =>  But it would be under a free
software type license, probably GPL or LGPL rewritten so they actually
seem to apply to what is essentially going to be documentation and images
and the like as opposed to source code to an executable.

"I'm working in the dark here."  "Yeah well rumor has it you do your best
work in the dark."
                               -- Earth: Final Conflict

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