Previously Marcus Brinkmann wrote:
> * It is a penguin (even if some think it's a chicken). A penguin is already
>   the Linux logo, are we only capable of plagiarism, or are we up to the task
>   and have an identity of our own?

Heh, nobody seems to be able to spot that :)

> * A penguin is submitting the wrong message in some other way, too:
>   The Debian GNU/Hurd port is coming along quite nicely, and although
>   it uses some linux driver code, it is quite different from Linux in
>   several aspects. Debian is the distribution with most ports, and
>   even non-Linux ports, too, now. Do we really want to restrict
>   ourselves and our image to Linux for an uncertain period of time?

No, but since almost nobody seems to see the current logo is actually a
penguin I didn't really worry about that. It even seemed somewhat
appriopriate in that a Debian did begin as a Linux-only distribution.
There is no shame in showing your roots imho.

> * The logo was imposed on the developers. We now have a formalilzation of
>   decision making, the constitution. It should be applied to this (partly)
>   political decision.

That's true. It's also true that most favourite `logos' were not good
logos. Logo criteria are really important.

> * Let's show some *taste* :)

Heh, that always makes for interesting discussions. I'm quite sure you
wouldn't like my taste in music, but I'm really happy with it :)

> First, I don't think it would take too long. Secondly, do we really want to
> rush this important issue?

Letting hundreds of developers choose one logo in a multitude of
submissions sounds like a time-consuming process. We would probably need
a scheme to elimiate logo's, then revote, eliminate more, etc. to do it

> About getting submissions: I think a Gimp contest would be appropriate, this
> would lead to better contributions. 

Iff we decide that we want a new logo, then I agree that would be the
best approach. It would also demonstrate how open we are.

> Christians Logo pages failed because there was hardly any Logo among
> the entries.

Very true.

> I don't understand "all over again". We have never voted on a logo.

We did in the sense that people could choose their favourite logo on
Christians page.

> Why intermix these two issues? Choosing a license and choosing a logo are
> completely different pair of shoes. They can be voted on seperately.

Geez, it seems you have issues with everything I said. Looks like I
succeeded in starting a discussion again though :). I mixed them because
they are closely related: you can't have one without the other.1


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