As many of you know, I'm currently the Debian Press Contact.  
Unfortunately, I've had less and less time to work on press and publicity 
related issues lately as other things (SPI work and 'real work') have come 
to to the forefront, as well as a move next month.  I'm looking for help in 
dealing with requests coming into the [EMAIL PROTECTED] address (not too 
much, maybe a mail or two a day at present).

  The help I'm looking for is people to deal with some of those emails, and 
also to help with other publicity related work- helping write Debians 
publicity materials, organizing and/or coordinating shows, writing articles 
for debian-news, posts for debian-announce, etc.

  Some familiarity with Debian is needed to do this work, but I'll be around 
to answer questions and help people as needed.  If anyone is interested, 
please subscribe to the debian-publicity mailing list, and drop me an email 
telling me what you are interested in doing.

This is a great opportunity to look into the public relations side of an 
organization, and so far has given me a lot of experience in dealing with 
the press, and in the publicity field in general.  This 'job' is basically 
what you make of it- if you're interested in doing something publicity 
related, you can just do it.  Plus, you get your name on /. every now and 
then (and not just with a 'First Post!':)

Thanks, Nils.

Nils Lohner                             E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian Press Contact                    Press:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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