On Wed, May 12, 1999 at 02:06:24PM -0700, David Bristel wrote:
> It seems to me that since there will always be patches and updates to packages
> between releases, and since we have the "proposed" updates, perhaps we could
> add an "updates" area, in addition to the non-free, contrib, and main 
> sections.
> This would work VERY nicely for users who want to grab the latest patches.  A
> good example of why this would be good is the XFree 3.3.2 being released in
> slink, and everyone wanting 3.3.3.  Also, for potato, since it WILL be glibc 
> 2.1
> based, I suspect a large number of people would want versions of XFree, gnome,
> and other packages without having to upgrade their systems.  By setting up an
> extension to our current directory structure for updates, we make it VERY 
> simple
> for people to add these in.  I THINK it might also make it easier to release
> maintenance releases in this manner.  Simply have all the updated packages in
> the updates section.  If apt and dselect do their jobs, it should grab the
> proper NEWer version of the package.

Propose it on -Policy and be sure the cc' the ftpmasters.  An issue to
consider is manpower.  Since most of the maintainers will up to Potato,
who'll compile these new packages/updates for slink?

Please cc all mailing list replies to me, also.
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* Debian Developer, Debian Project Secretary, Debian Webmaster          *

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