>>>>> "Wichert" == Wichert Akkerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Wichert> Previously Bart Warmerdam wrote:
    >> The topic to split debian-devel-changes in a -$ARCH and
    >> -sources list was proposed a while ago. What happened to it and
    >> what are the sentiments on splitting it?? I think it's quite
    >> high volume because most lists aren't intresting to me, but
    >> some are.

    Wichert> I've been told that if we used listar for that list we
    Wichert> can let subscribers simply toggle flags for what they
    Wichert> want to receive. That sounded like a perfect solution to
    Wichert> me... in the meantime I'm using this procmail-recipe to
    Wichert> filter out binary-only uploads:

And just if someone are using gnus, here's my split's...

----- s n i p -----
(setq gnus-auto-expirable-newsgroups "mail.sent.*\\|debian.changes"
      nnmail-split-methods 'nnmail-split-fancy
      ;; Aliases for the splitting...
      '((any . 
        (from . "From\\|from")
        (ToCc . "to\\|To\\|cc\\|Cc")
        (ToCcReSentTo . "[Tt]o\\|[Cc]c\\|resent-to\\|Delivered-To")
        (mail . "mailer-daemon\\|postmaster\\|MAILER-DAEMON")
        (subj . "Subject")
        (ml . "Mailing-List\\|X-From-Line\\|X-Mailing-List"))
      ;; The actual splitting...
        ;; Debian stuff
        (any "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
              ;; Messages from the debian-private list...
              (ml "debian-private.*"
                  (| (subj "Recently.*accepted.*maintainer.*" 
              ;; Messages from the debian-changes OR debian-devel-changes 
              (ml "debian-devel-changes.*\\|debian-changes"
                  (| (subj "New Debian.*" "debian.changes-new")
                     (subj "RETRACTING.*" "debian.changes-retract")
                     (subj "Installed.*"  "debian.changes-installed")
                     (subj "Uploaded.*i386.*\\|Uploaded.*all.*"
                           ;; Package uploads that we are specially intrested 
                           (| (subj 


                              (subj ".*dhcp.*"
                     (subj ".*hurd-i386.*"                "debian.changes-hurd")
                     (subj ".*m68k.*"                     "debian.changes-m68k")
                     (subj ".*i386.*"                     "debian.changes-i386")
                     (subj ".*sparc.*"                    
                     (subj ".*arm.*"                      "debian.changes-arm")
                     (subj ".*alpha.*"                    
                     (subj ".*powerpc.*"                  
                     (subj "lintian"                      "debian.lintian")

              ;; Messages from the debian-boot mailinglist...
              (ml "debian-boot"
                  (| (subj "Debian Boot Floppies CVS:.*" "debian.boot-cvs")
              ;; Messages from the other debian lists...
              (ml "debian-mentors" "debian.mentors")
              (ml "debian-email" "debian.email")
              (ml "debian-admintool" "debian.admintool")
              (ml "debian-devel" "debian.devel")
              (ml "debian-maintainer" "debian.maintainer")
              (ml "debian-alpha" "debian.alpha")
              (ml "debian-devel-announce" "debian.announce")
              (ml "debian-announce" "debian.announce")
              (ml "debian-testing" "debian.testing")
              (ml "debian-68k" "debian.m68k")
              (ml "debian-arm" "debian.arm")
              (ml "debian-java" "debian.java")
              (ml "netwinder" "debian.netwinder")
              (ml "deity" "debian.deity")
              (ml "beowulf" "debian.beowulf")

              ;; Messages from the debian administrators etc...
              (from "maor-installer" "debian.installed")
              (ml   "maor-installer" "debian.installed")
              (from "owner" "debian.bugs")
              (ToCc "submit" "debian.bugs")
              (ToCc "security" "debian.bugs")))))
----- s n i p -----

    We are GNU.  You will be GPL'ed.  Resistance is futile.
 / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \  Turbo Fredriksson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
( D | e | b | i | a | n ) Debian Certified Linux Developer
 \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/  Gothenburg/Sweden

  Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.
smuggle Ft. Bragg kibo South Africa Khaddafi explosion Nazi Cocaine
Saddam Hussein ammunition bomb [Hello to all my fans in domestic
surveillance] Noriega cracking FBI

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