On Wed, May 19, 1999 at 04:45:11PM +0200, Christian Kurz wrote:
> And what do you propose should be done with bugs that are so old? Still
> let them stay open and look somewhere else? No, that isn't a solution.
> The solution is to contact the developer and ask them about the bugs and
> try to track the problem down and fix the bug. This has nothing do to
> with spamming instead these are person, which are interested in
> improving th quality of the distribution.
Considering the X bug list, I'm sure branden got a quite large mailing from 
about old bugs - yet from what I understand, he can't possibly go through that 
until some modifications are done to the BTS.  'Nag' also goes to developers 
personally, not only to -devel.

Brian Almeida <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  -  Systems Administrator
CICAT Networks - The New Brand of Telecommunications Service
Web: http://www.cicat.com/                   V: 703-383-1408
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                       F: 703-385-3788
My software never has bugs. It just develops random features.  

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