Josip Rodin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > what about creating empty packages only to satisfy dependancies and
> > be able to install loosy related set of packages. Metapackage
> > seems to be the right name for such creature ;)

> People already thought of that :) it was discussed on -gtk-gnome list,
> and I think someone is just about ready to do it.

Yes.  I'm about to upload (in a few days) the metapkg-sgml package.

I suggest we all follow naming conventions, i.e., 'metapkg-*', so that
it's easy to pick these babies out.

I also suggest the use of equivs... it seems just the ticket.  I've
still got to dig into equivs more deeply, specifically, to see how it
interacts with my CVS-based workflow.

[Brandon, this doesn't necessarily apply to you, since your
metapackage is a backwards-compatability metapkg.]


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