* Sven LUTHER said:

> > > Agreed.  Too bad C++ does not support parametric polymorphism too well.
> > > Templates come close, so the hope is not lost.
> > But the problem is that templates, nor exceptions or rtti (which are all
> > elements of MODERN C++ programming) don't work well enough on the GNU
> > platform...
> Is that true, I have heard this agrument often, but is it true, and is it 
> still
> so today ? Is there effort made to fix this ? how far are they ?
Yes, it is true. Moreover, AFAIK the g++ 2.7.2.x and egcs differ
substantialy in that matter - and that's another problem.

> I just want to be sure this is true before people start using this as argument
> without even checking if things still are like that.
For what it's worth, egcs is still in active development - thus you
shouldn't rely upon it too strongly (yes, potato uses egcs as a standard
compiler, but it still has problems) and g++ 2.7.2.x doesn't support the
advanced features of C++ very well...


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