On Thu, Mar 16, 2000 at 02:25:10PM -0500, Ben Collins wrote:
> In /etc/apt/sources.list add these lines:
> DPkg
> {
>   Options {"--force-confdef";}
> }
> This will make dpkg always choose the default option to the conffile
> questions. If there is no default, it will still prompt (not likely), so
> you can also add --force-confold, so that if there is no default, it will
> choose to keep the old conffile.
> Problem solved :)

Yes, but a different problem then the one that I was aiming to
solve. I actually like the fact that dpkg asks those questions, and
that I can override it's defaults... I just want to have all those
questions asked at once at the beginning of the upgrade session,
rather than spread out over the entire unpack process.

Tom Rothamel --------- http://onegeek.org/~tom/ ------- Using GNU/Linux
            Writing from home, just outside Northport, NY.
              The Moon is Waxing Gibbous (86% of Full).

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