On 16-Mar-00, 18:02 (CST), Wichert Akkerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Oh, and you still loose if people don't use apt.

Well, there's a *lot* features one doesn't get unless one uses apt. So?

> There is already a patch to make dpkg log things using syslog. At some
> point I'ld like to generalize that, but we can't do that until debconf
> is used everywhere. Woody+2 I think.

Uh, why not publish the tool/capability, and let those packages that
can use it do so? Having it a available would be an incentive to update
one's packages, and be of at least partial benefit to the users. Or am I
missing a point?


Steve Greenland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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