On Mon, Apr 03, 2000 at 12:56:05AM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> That mail direct from dynamic dialups is a problem is recognised
> throughout the community.  Not only did Paul Vixie, the author of
> BIND, and other leading lights of the Internet, decide to host,
> support, etc, the DUL.  Many ISPs prevent you from doing direct SMTP
> by having their routers block outgoing SMTP or transparently redirect
> it to their own mailservers.  I think that this is going to become
> much more common.  Use of the DUL is becoming more common too - for
> example, Cambridge University no longer accept DUL mail.  Sites that
> use DUL blocking report that it has very low false-positive rates -
> some claim even lower than the MAPS RBL.

You appeal to authority, call for bandwagon jumping, and rely upon
anecdotal accounts, but have yet to point to an RFC that forbids or
discourages the establishment of outbound SMTP connections from dialup
machines, whether they have dynamically assigned IP's or not.

The best way to force people like myself to do what you want is to get your
personal preferences on the standards track.  If they as widely shared as
you assert, this shouldn't be an insuperable problem.

Once you have done that, you won't have to shore up your position with
invalid inferences.

G. Branden Robinson            |    A celibate clergy is an especially good
Debian GNU/Linux               |    idea, because it tends to suppress any
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         |    hereditary propensity toward fanaticism.
roger.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |    -- Carl Sagan

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