On Mon 07 Aug 2000, Ruud de Rooij wrote:
> Paul Slootman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I'm in the process for building the latest version of the isdnutils,
> > with the latest upstream sources. However, I've run into a glitch,
> > licence-wise.  The isdnlog people have decided to use CDB instead
> > of DBM for the areacode etc.  The problem is that CDB is written by
> > D.J. Bernstein (of qmail fame), and the licence of CDB is vague at
> > best.
> Maybe you could use freecdb instead?

Success!  I've managed to convince the upstream people to drop
the CDB version they were using (from the current non-free CDB release)
and use freecdb instead; this was done in the CVS version last night.
Another triumph for free software.

Paul Slootman
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