On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, Bernhard R. Link wrote:

> This together with internationalisation seems to be a very difficult goal.
Yes! Fully agreed!

We have (at least) two parameters which characterize a user:
  prefered language     and      knowledge state
While we could guess that the prefered language is no subject of change
and so it might be defined once per new user which is introduced top
a system (may be with an additional alternative to fall back) the
state of the users knowledge is changing.

> I would prefer to have language and more important advantage of a user not
> as fixed values but values that can be modified by user in the menu.
So a user has to be enabled to change his menus regarding to his knowledge
about the system.  The problem is that in general a (bloody) beginner
will not know, how to do that - and there's the problem.
I really don't have any slightest idea how to solve this problem.
May be we should start at first with the language problem because this
not as tricky as the other one.  (Well, it's solved for *other* OSes
and so we could solve it for sure ;-).)
The problem of overloaded menus for beginners isn't solved in other
systems, but may be somebody will have a clever idea, if there is a
request for such a thing.  That's why I expressed my idea, really knowing
that it wouldn't be solved in the next years.

> A very convenient way would to have the normal all-and-every-thing menu as
> standards and user-definable changes on a per user basis.
In principle yes, it's a first state, but it requires work of the
system administrator for those users, which aren't able to do this stuff.
> It's disadvantage would be the enourmous amount of time to recompile all
> user-settings when the main-menu-database changes.
Yes, that's a problem, but computers are going to be faster every time
and I think it will take some time until we finish this.
Kind regards


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