Hello HPPA community, and forgive me for this off-topic, but I really don't
know where to ask.

I have an HP C3750, and today I was moving it from the garage to a
(hopefully) stable and operative position.

While moving it, I heard clicking inside it. I opened and found a tantalum
capacitor loose. (photo
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1l2YQZoiqVUVnl86-GgWdhghdLfpNEcwneQ ). I
checked the mother board, and I suspect it detached from the position "24"
on the centre left of the photo
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1nKsaqQWNHBItPKLusSSTFgCYB4jNI2JQOA next
to the right of that big unpopulated connector 3 x 12.

If anybody have an HP C3750, would be so kind to check if in that position
there is, or not, that capacitor I found loose, and with what polarity
(where is the darker band)?

Thank you all very much and sorry again for the off topic.

best regards


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