On 05/09/2017 01:20 PM, Andreas Tille wrote:
> Hi Olivier,
> On Tue, May 09, 2017 at 11:46:51AM +0200, Olivier Sallou wrote:
>>> $ tn-seqexplorer 
>>> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
>>>         at sun.awt.SunToolkit.getImageFromHash(SunToolkit.java:725)
>>>         at sun.awt.SunToolkit.getImage(SunToolkit.java:759)
>>>         at GUI.LegalDisclaimer.<init>(LegalDisclaimer.java:24)
>>>         at essgenes.Main.main(Main.java:43)
>> It seems it does not find in jar file the file
>> /resources/legaldisplaimer.png
>> A resource file has not been included in the jar file. You can check
>> with jar -tf yourjarfile to see if it is present (but I don't think so
>> as I see no resource not png file in src)
>> As it is an icon, you could simply comment line 24 of
>> src/GUI/LegalDisplaimer.java, line 24 to fix the issue
> Hmmm, I think I've got it wrong.  The needed files are now inside the
> upstream tarball (+Git archive) and I installed the files into the
> package and fixed the explicite PATH.  However, you said the resources
> need to be inside the JAR and I have no idea how to approach this by
> using jh_build.
> Any idea how to include the resources into the JAR instead just into
> the file system?
I do not know how to include resources in jar with jh_build, never did
it before, but Java team should be able to answer this
> Kind regards
>      Andreas.
>>>> [1] https://anonscm.debian.org/git/debian-med/tn-seqexplorer.git

Olivier Sallou
IRISA / University of Rennes 1
Campus de Beaulieu, 35000 RENNES - FRANCE

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