On Thu, 17 Sep 2015 11:14:21 -0400
Gary Dale <garyd...@torfree.net> wrote:

Hello Gary,

>Is there a way to get the new Kate to import the katesession files?

Many apps are now using ~/.config - Kate included.  Maybe copy for
session settings there.

>And when Kontact is upgraded, will I lose my "settings" (calendar, 
>contacts, etc. are considered to be "settings") there too?

I don't use Kontact, just KOrganiser, and didn't lose my reminders,
etc.  I have found that, for some reason, some of the colour settings
for Event type aren't being used.

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
If we're working class, why ain't we got jobs?
Insane Society - Menace

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