Hi all,

Just a few comments to clarify my position.
- I *always* provided sources for my changes, never binary only
- It was not the comment on IRC that triggered my stepping back, but
  Sandro's "evaluation" of my merge requests as "sub-par", "expecting
  more from a DD of 20 years", etc ...

The "requirements" of the Debian Qt/KDE Team concerning merge requests
and git commits and changelog entries are formal complications I tried
to follow as much as possible, but I honestly will not do more than what
I have done just for "formal reasons". If "quality merge requests" are
about these IMNSHO partly ridiculous rules, then sorry for me not being
able to produce them.

But there is an easy way out: Anyone interested in helping out/contributing
can easily:
- get the sources (or the previous merge requests, they are still
  visible!) of my packages
- create the git commits and changelog entries according to "the rules"
- make "quality" merge requests



PREINING Norbert                              https://www.preining.info
Accelia Inc. + IFMGA ProGuide + TU Wien + JAIST + TeX Live + Debian Dev
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