Am 5. Juli 2019 00:37:09 MESZ schrieb Martin Quinson 
>Hello Tobias & Helge,
>I come back to you after your mail of Sun, 14 Oct 2018, offering your
>help toward a better packaging of the manpage translations in French.
>I am not subscribed on the dl10n-french list, so please keep me in CC.
>After some discussions, we think that it would indeed be a good thing
>if we could merge our infrastructures. That is, if we could use your
>infrastructure to host the french translations, please.
>As we (I) see it, we would benefit of your work to gather the english
>version in an area where po4a is configured. Then we would push our
>french translation, either directly in the git or with weblate or
>similar. Then we would benefit from your packaging work, having timely
>releases of the manpages uploaded to unstable. Am I right? Did I miss
>Could you please point me again to where we should direct our MR? What
>is your prefered workflow for this integration? And afterward for the
>translation uploads?
>Thanks for the offer, 

Hi Martin,

our offer still stands, we're happy to include the French translation in 
manpages-de. We should probably find a new name then. :-)

However, I think that this will need some tweaks to our build system, so please 
allow me some time to adjust things. Or do you already have a MR ready?

Regarding the workflow, I'd suggest that every French translator gets write 
access to the git repository. I think that using Weblate would probably also 
work, but I would like to enable that as a second step -- after the inclusion 
of French.

Once all this is done, the French translation would also automatically get the 
latest changes of upstream manpages, so that the translation can be kept 
up-to-date. The Debian packaging could also be adapted to generate packages for 

I'll try to look into this in the next weeks, but I'll be on vacation in a 
couple of weeks, so it might take some time.


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