A Mennucc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> you should compare
> mplayer and the  win32codecs.sh which installs win32codecs
> to
> libdvdread3 and the installer which installs libdvdcss2

I've explained why I think that is not a good comparison.
libdvdcss2 is not in the distribution because of fears that
mirror operators will be attacked for supplying "circumvention
devices" or instructions to construct them, AIUI. It would
be free software with forseeable saner laws.

> nope.  f-prot-installer is just meant to install f-prot, and is not 
> useful in itself
> mplayer does not _depend_ on win32 codecs. It will run perfectly well 
> without.

This may be the reason why mplayer can still go in main.

My Opinion Only: see http://people.debian.org/~mjr/
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