On Tue, 22 Feb 2005 08:25:06 +0000 Andrew Suffield wrote:

> > With this in mind, I would say Debian wants to stay in the former
> > kind of trademark encumbered works...
> > Thus, no trademarked logos in main or contrib, right?

Just to clarify, here I was referring to trademarked *Debian* logos.

> Depends on the license, as always.

Do you mean it depends on the copyright license[1], or on both copyright
*and* trademark licenses?

The DPL told us that (for Debian logos) the copyright side of this issue
should be solved in the near future.
The trademark side is much more hard to address, instead.

[1] let me neglect patents and other issues, for the sake of simplicity:
just suppose that copyrights and trademarks are the only possible

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