Henning Makholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Scripsit Matthew Garrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> In fact, starting by filing release critical bugs is likely to
>> ensure that the opposition is entirely entrenched to begin with.
> Why are you so determined to keep fighting strawmen?

Where's the strawman? The suggestion was made that post-Sarge, it would
be appropriate to file RC bugs against packages containing graphics
without the perferred form for modification being available. I said that
this seemed insane, and then justified my opinion by pointing out that
it wouldn't have the desired effect.

>> We can't simply make pronouncements on which one is correct
>> - nobody here has that authority.
> Is that the old "debian-legal has no authority, and that in itself
> proves that the debian-legal tradition is wrong" argument?

What? No, it's the "debian-legal has no authority, and therefore doesn't
get to say 'Debian believes that source code means the preferred form
for modification'" argument, which is the same as the "Matthew has no
authority, and therefore doesn't get to say 'Debian believes that source
code means any form of the work that makes it acceptably easy to
modify'" argument. We don't get to make those decisions. The project as
a whole does.

Matthew Garrett | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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