On Sunday 13 March 2005 01:21 pm, Mćns Rullgćrd wrote:
> Well, there are a few that dislike v2 already, or at least some of the
> more far-reaching interpretations of it.  Seeing as v3 will attempt to
> extend its reach even further, I see it as inevitable that a fair
> amount of people will have a word or two to say about it.

Well, if you don't like the interpretation of what v2 says then take it to 
court.  No one holds a monopoly on the right to decide what it says, and only 
the court reviewing the GPL can determine what its terms actually mean, and 
only within the jurisdiction in which it sits.

Of course, you may not end up liking what the judge says :)

Its actually quite a shame that there haven't been any court cases on the 
terms of the GPL...  would make for some fascinating reading.

> --
> Mćns Rullgćrd

Sean Kellogg
2nd Year - University of Washington School of Law
GPSS Senator - Student Bar Association
Editor-at-Large - National ACS Blog [http://www.acsblog.org]
c: 206.498.8207    e: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

So, let go
 ...Jump in
  ...Oh well, what you waiting for?
   ...it's all right
    ...'Cause there's beauty in the breakdown

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