On Thu, Jul 29, 1999, Steve Greenland wrote:
> On 28-Jul-99, 07:57 (CDT), Samuel Hocevar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> > Meanwhile, he implemented Igor's patch for VMS to one of those
> > two 0.6.1 versions.
> This is the most alarming section. Did the patch go into the new
> proprietary version?

        Yes; it is in the changelog.

> If so, does Igor know?

        I have reasons to think that yes, he knows. But neither him
    nor the original IglooFTP author answered me yet.

> Does he approve?

        No idea, sorry.

> If I was
> Igor, I would *insist* on seeing the current source code, and making
> sure that the patch did not appear (assuming, of course, that I had
> licensed my patch appropriately).

        Alas, this seems to be a problem: the patch available for
    download has no copyright notice on it, no license.

        I'm quite curious about this: if a piece of code is released
    under no license, doesn't the author keep all the rights on the
    code ? Or is it implicitly thrown into 'public domain' ?

Samuel Hocevar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://www.via.ecp.fr/~sam/
echo "what is the universe"|tr "a-z " 0-7-0-729|sed 's/9.//g;s/-/+/'|bc

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