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  notice is preserved. 

  You may translate these documents and their license into another language

    You do not deliberately change their meaning beyond changes meant to
    achieve a colloquial rendering in another language

    Translations of the license must be clearly marked as translations, and
    the license in its original language shall continue to apply to all

    In the case of hypertext pages, you must maintain a copy of the original
    page on the same site, and must provide a link from the translated page
    to its original.

As far as I can tell, this fails point 3 of the DFSG. If so, the web site is
in violation of the spirit if not the letter[1] of our Social Contract:

    When we write new components of the Debian system, we will license them
    as free software.

IIRC, I have brought this up before, and I was dismissed or ignored. I would
like to discuss this again, as it concerns me greatly, especially since text
I have written, which I want to be DFSG free (Debian Weekly News), appears
on the web site under this license.

see shy jo

[1] Not the letter since it is not part of debian proper. Nor can it be,
    with this license.

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